via Challenges Editorial Staff
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Born in Tibet 3,000 years ago, Go is both an art and a sport, and made its way to Europe in the first half of the 20th century, thanks to Master Lim. It is considered to be the most amazing strategy game.
The Association welcomes Challans Develops his activity program by suggesting his turn go game, and will organize an open door accessible to all, Saturday 11 December from 10 am to 4 pm., in the Avocette Room, near the Challans Racecourse.
FC La Rochelle will be attended by 5 confirmed players who will appear and present matches with the public.
This day will be run by Martin Colint. I have played this game for over 30 years, and it is playing internationally. She even faced the world champion.
What are the rules?
Two players share a 19 x 19 line board by creating areas defined by “stones”, white and black pawns.
The rules are relatively simple, which allows you to play very quickly, while requiring concentration, patience and strategy.
every other saturday
Challans Home will present Go every Saturday from 10am to 12pm in the Avocette Room.
Saturday 11 December, Room Avocette, 11 chemin des Noues at Challans. Sanitary passage and masks are mandatory.
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