Google’s failure to update its apps had a brief impact on many of them. Yesterday, for about an hour, he is Was impossible To identify themselves in Gmail, YouTube, Search, Maps, Photos, or Drive after creating an account or realizing that the app has disconnected you from your account.

The blocked app justified the rejection of identification by the fact that it is too old and does not include the latest security reviews. This screen disappeared quickly, as Google may have made a change to its server side.
Because the apps in question have not really been updated and this has been going on since the end of November for some and early days of December for most. Sending an update to the App Store will force Google to complete their respective privacy sheets, as they are now mandatory.
Google’s iOS app release cycle before and after Apple requests disclosure of privacy stickers.
Perhaps Thi style is just a coincidence. We all know that “transparency is the cornerstone of [their] Commitment to users “…
Thomasbcn (Thomasbcn) February 2, 2021
Google Advertise At the start of the year he intended to do so around mid-January, but the deadline has been largely overlooked. That promise was repeat End of January: The papers will arrive on Google. YouTube a week ago Has filled The editor can do this without necessarily attaching to the app review – but nothing new to other apps. More secondary Google apps received this information last year.
In addition to the renewed promise, the benefit of the doubt can be given Wonderful Apple Partner And suppose that instead of trying to put off a deadline – which is unaffordable over time anyway – he’s doing a general review of his practices that turns out to be long and complicated.
However, this new Apple policy did not go out of the woods one good morning, it was announced early last summer and its implementation has been delayed for a few months in order not to fall too quickly on publishers who need more time to comply.
“Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator.”