idea metaverse not new to Facebook social networking site. Mark Zuckerberg Before creating the famous social network, he had in mind the image of a world where virtual mingles with reality. Latest report from the edge On the social network Opens the door wide for this ambition. The media refers to the upcoming announcement of a Giant name change multifaceted networks.
This ad is not an end in itself, rest assured. It is a fairly common way for large, interdisciplinary groups to assert themselves and no longer group their many activities together. in like the google browser, had become the alphabetAnd A group of companies or holding companies, here grouped from the twenty-six characters we know to make this possible Arrange your activities better. We find there the famous search engine, Android operating system, browser ChromeMessaging GmailVarious non-physical services or their sectors nestAnd the basic, where calico. And therefore the alphabet He stepped away from his search engine image to show that he is above all a global player in digital transformation. So this could be the way it goes Big Blue And its various services such as couriers InstagramAnd messenger And What’s Upsocial network Facebook social networking siteAnd Workplace Since 2014 skylight. And so the blue giant imagines restoring his image tarnished by numerous scandals, and going forward by asserting himself on his ambitions, while leaving behind the image we know of him.
We’ll likely know more when conspiracy Facebook Connect October 28. In the meantime, the speculation is full of sniffles. Also, face horizon, Which rings clearly with a vision metaverse from Mark Zuckerberg (With Horizon Workrooms et Horizon Worlds), we find Big brotherJust as an actor…let’s be patient, the suspense shouldn’t last too long.
“The next chapter of the internet, the chapter that will follow the mobile revolution,” said the CEO, is already a reality and will surely be the world of tomorrow. To start the disproportionate action involved in this, Facebook social networking site announce to him It plans to employ 10,000 people within the next five years in the European Union in the virtual and augmented reality sector. In fact, the starting signal has been fired for a long time, especially since the captureskylight in 2014. became a pioneer and The main player in virtual reality in the worldmovement started, Facebook social networking site Works. Article by the informationOn March 11, 2021 revealed that partition Facebookeality coefficient It already had nearly 10,000 employees, nearly a fifth of the giant’s total salaries. There is no doubt that things at this rate will go faster than we think, for better or worse…
For the curious, the biography of Mark Zuckerberg Sold on Amazon from 6.00 €.