Free Mobile reveals the codes that should be handled carefully for its subscribers using a Xiaomi smartphone

Free Mobile reveals the codes that should be handled carefully for its subscribers using a Xiaomi smartphone

After activating 5G+ (standalone) and VoNR for its 5G subscribers, Free Mobile is connecting its subscribers through Xiaomi smartphones with some codes that may be useful to them.

Free subscribers with a plan and a 5G SA (standalone) compatible smartphone can now activate an option in their subscriber area to take advantage of 5G+ which offers higher speeds. They also have access to Voice over 5G (VoNR). However, on Xiaomi smartphones running HyperOS, you can monitor the status of your options directly on your smartphone.

To do this, simply enter the codes into your dialer. Official account 1337 free It reveals it while reminding us that it must be handled with caution.

  • Enable/Disable VoLTE option: *#*#86583#*#*
  • Enable/Disable VoWifi option: *#*#869434#*#*
  • Enable/Disable 5G SA menu: *#*#726633#*#*
  • Enable/Disable 5G SA Network Mode: *#*#7282583#*#*
  • Enable/Disable VoNR menu: *#*#8667#*#*
  • To check if the settings are enabled: *#*#4636#*#*

As a reminder, the operator has also made available a list of terminals compatible with its different technologies, if you want to ensure the availability of VoLTE, 5G SA or any other solution that interests you.

This article was reprinted on Univers FreeBox.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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