Guilty Gear Strive will see a comeback among the roster of characters, as killer rock I-No has been confirmed for the upcoming fighting game. She is very confident in her own abilities, and from what we’ve seen so far, that confidence is justified. The revelation came during a special fighting game developers’ roundtable, where members of Arc System Works explained in detail what players could expect from the return of a time-traveling guitar witch.
In our new gameplay and ad promo, we see I-No in action, her guitar in hand, zipping hard. At one point, she dodges a projectile attack and delivers a heavy but devastating penalty, sending her opponent to the ground. I-No also has her own projectile attacks which she can use to control space and prevent her opponents from playing very defensively, her counters must prevent her opponents from being aggressive as well. You’re between a rock and a hard place with I-No, but at least she can tear the guitar for you as it knocks you down on the ground.
In addition to revealing I-No, Arc System Works also revealed during a live broadcast of developers that Samuari Showdown and Guilty Gear will receive a collaboration, which will come in the form of a guest character who arrives initially. Saiko x Guilty Gear special watch that fans of the series can purchase.
Guilty Gear is a complex fighting game, and arguably the hardest series in Arc System Works. However, the series has a dedicated audience, and Guilty Gear Strive follows a sense of privilege of style and cutting-edge combat. The Japanese studio is legendary in the 2D fighter genre and is also responsible for BlazBlue and Dragon Ball FighterZ. Their last match before Guilty Gear Strive was Granblue Fantasy vs 2020.
Guilty Gear Strive releases April 9 on PS4, PS5, and PC. There will be 15 characters in the Out of Door menu, and a trial version of 13 characters is available. You can play several different modes in the beta, including Versus mode against a local therapist or two players, as well as online play. You also don’t need a PlayStation Plus membership to access it.
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Playing Now: Guilty Gear Strive – Official I-No Character Style Trailer
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