In Oise, a computer workshop truck travels to isolated villages to repair and sell computers

Since November 2, Informa’Truck has been touring the cities of Oise, offering repairs and selling computer equipment. An initiative aimed at combating digital exclusion.

It’s a new type of truck that’s been cruising the small villages of Oise for over a month. On board the Informa’Truck, there are a thousand computer parts designed to meet the slightest need. “I actually repaired my hard drives, and I had a screen to change them too‘ narrates Yan Trochere, the driver.

With this service, you no longer need to travel several kilometers from your city. The van runs from 3 pm to 8 pm in the 25 municipalities of Oise, generally in the town hall square. By appointment, it also travels to your home due to wifi malfunctions or equipment that is difficult to move. “It made sense to also think of people who find it difficult to navigate‘,” confirms Cyril Norrie, Informa’Truck creator.

This computer enthusiast, originally from Angy in the Oise, set up his digital services company in Chantilly in 2017 with this solidarity truck idea in mind. “This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. When I was younger I would assemble and take apart computers, but getting parts for Angy was complicated, so I would tell my parents all the time to go and get them.“, trust.

Subsequently, in his work he notes that 98% of his customers come almost exclusively from Chantilly. “People don’t travel far from their homes to fix their computers, we’ve done many studies and found that there is a real need“, he confirms. During the first weeks of the truck’s start-up, customers turned out to be smaller than expected.”It was a real surprise, we received mostly assets between 30-40 years old, Refers to Cyril Nouri. Is it because they were better informed? Is it because they are the ones in dire need of this service? We’ll see in the coming days, but this proves to be a comprehensive service.

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Another peculiarity: to drive the truck, Cyril Nouri made sure to prefer applications from people recognized as disabled workers. “It is mainly through personal conviction that I find that there are few actions to promote the employment of people with disabilities when they are motivated and interesting workers. The important thing for me was to have someone who wants to help people, knowledge and a desire to understand IT.

Therefore, Yan, having been a motorcycle mechanic and painter in a carpentry company, was able to apply with ease. “Because of my old job, I have back problems, so I was recognized as a disabled worker, he explains. It wasn’t easy to find a job, but I had good support, and saw that I had an appetite for IT, so I started. “

Having completed 8 months of training, Yan is now fully functional. “I can fix any failure, Confirms. And to adapt to his disability, a truck was specially equipped for him. “It’s exceptional, I can work as I want. For my back, I have to stand and sit, so I have two sides of the truck that allow me to rotate.

If the service is successful, Cyril Noury ​​will aim to develop it across the department and then more broadly in Aisne and Somme. A second truck is already on order in summer 2022.

The locations and times of the truck’s passing can be found on the website the information Or on 03 75 00 33 33.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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