iOS 14.5: Siri learns your broadcast preferences

Spotify on iPhone ©

Apple is opening up to other streaming services such as Spotify.

BSince then, iPhone owners have not been able to set the standard for streaming music services themselves. Alternatively, the in-home streaming service Apple Music is preinstalled. However, the US company has set this limitation aside with its iOS 14.5 beta. However, users are still not allowed to set a standard service. American Technology GatewayTechCrunchAccording to Apple, it doesn’t want to include the option either, but it does offer another feature that works with Siri’s voice assistant.

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iOS 14.5: Siri learns your preferences

It is the so-called “intelligence” function. Siri learns which streaming services you use most often and defaults to them when you want them. When you place your first order, a window appears in which you can select the required service (such as Spotify). Siri remembers the decision and in the future will play the content via the most used service. However, the voice assistant may take a while to make the selection automatically, as some users have already reported that Siri has repeatedly asked which streaming service they prefer. Over time, Siri should always have the right choice of ready services and can distinguish between music, podcasts, and other content. Hence, users are no longer limited to Apple Music.

iOS 14.5: Feature not included in every beta

According to Techcrunch, the selection feature was not included in every pre-release. In the first beta it was possible, in the second it was missing and in the third it came back again. So, it’s still interesting how Apple is still working on it and what the end feature will look like. However, Apple clearly will not allow the user any standard settings. Then he’ll just see his preferences …

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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