Leaker “confirms” the 2021 Pokémon Diamond & Pearl remake • Nintendo Connect

There are many indications that Nintendo DS titles were released in Japan in 2006 Pokemon Diamond And the Pokemon Pearl A remake later this year Nintendo Switch Receive donations, which many fans are waiting with bated breath. We celebrate the 25th anniversary of Pokemon and the ninth generation of Pokemon or Let’s Go, Johto! It would be too early. Centro Pokémon, who are definitely among the most credible dropouts, claim the following: According to their sources, Pokemon Diamond And the Pokemon Pearl For Nintendo Switch Appears. These unspecified sources are supposed to be “close to the company” and thus well informed. Unfortunately, there is no real evidence for the claim!

Pokemon Diamond And the Pokemon Pearl With the special edition Pokemon Platinum The fourth generation. They were the first major games to appear for the Nintendo DS, and they directed it SanuhArea and we brought us the initiator Pokémon Chelast, Panflam or Plinfa. The two new versions must run on an Pokemon sword And the Pokemon shield It will be officially presented in February according to this “leak”. Every year on February 27 the so-called Pokemon Day The first Pokemon video games appeared in Japan that day in 1996. So we might not have to wait long for this to clear.

Do you think the long-awaited new releases of Pokemon Diamond And the Pokemon Pearl Will it appear or is Game Freak going to keep fans alert?

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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