low wall. Treasure hunt in the country

In partnership with Country Association 31 Country Festival and Live USA Shop, merchants from the Association of Merchants and Craftsmen on the paved streets of Moret organize a fascinating treasure hunt called “Les Mystères de Muret” on the streets of the capital. Historic city center from June 8 to 23.

looking for guitar

The guitar of the Rockin’Chairs group that will perform during the Muret Country Festival has been stolen. In order to solve this mystery, investigators will have to interrogate merchants, and certainly witnesses to something. They must bring the list of suspects and a map of participating companies, which can be obtained from merchants or from the ACARPM Facebook page. In each store, participants will be able to discover clues about the perpetrator allowing them to narrow down the list of suspects. By reasoning and deduction, they will be able to identify the culprit. Investigators will have to write his name on the response slip in action before June 23. A draw between correct answers will reward the winner with a gift basket and game provided by ACARPM dealers.

Fun and family moment The town of Muret is already immersed in the atmosphere of the Country Festival that will take place on 23, 24, 25 and 26 June.

(Anyone can participate and there is no obligation to purchase)

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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