You will soon be able to enjoy more than 2,000 mobile phones, the oldest from 1984, online in a virtual museum.

Mobile Phone Museum: More than 2,000 mobile phones have been displayed since 1984
Mobile Phone Museum
It goes online according to its own information on November 23, 2021. Then it is supposed to offer one of the largest mobile phone collections in the world. With more than 2000 mobile phones from more than 200 manufacturers. The makers of the museum want to keep in mind the huge importance of mobile phones. Vodafone is sponsoring the Mobile Museum for the next five years.

The oldest models are said to date back to 1984. The collection aims to show the complete history of mobile phones from their inception to the present day. In addition to the permanent online exhibition, the officials – Ben Wood and Matt Chatterley – are also planning a pop-up exhibition on site.
The museum is still missing some interesting models. “Wanted” phones that are not yet included in the kit,
You can see here.
If you have this old “bone” or another and want to be available, you can contact the museum.
You can find the form and related contact details here.
That’s sexy too
Museums Twitter Kanal des.
Rare cell phone models from the early days of the mobile phone are shown time and time again.
else #MobilePhoneMuseum The restore process is complete. This is a very rare BT Jade 1 made by Mobira. Tweet embed
– MobilePhoneMuseum (@phone_museum) June 13, 2021
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