Mr. Sugar Mountain metaverses

She was born in 2027. When people stopped solving their problems and decided to live with them. Life today is bad, everyone is looking for a way to escape. This world exists and is called an oasis. It is a refuge. A place where the only reality is the limit of our imagination.” This is the first line of the Spielberg film based on the novel by Ernst Klein. first player Published in 2011. And that’s exactly what Mark Zuckerberg (in French Marc Montagne de Sucre) gives us today, as the new, “metavers”. Virtual Reality.

Imagine for example that I am old, ugly, bitter and lonely, well, I will soon be able, thanks to my virtual reality glasses, to become a beautiful and hopeful young man, without leaving my old couch full of cat hair. The solace I can actually get from getting to know Jane Eyre, when she meets the dark Rochester in Thornfield Hall, I can try it out with a single click, without flipping the pages of a boring 700-page book. Until now, with augmented reality, I could put rabbit ears or pig nose on Jane Eyre, but very soon I’ll be able to be “Jane Eyre”. Tomorrow I can decide Jane Eyre will be my avatar. Young, beautiful, wild, innocent…

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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