My brother-in-law’s leftover gaming computer, 980Ti and i7 5820k

Hello all,

I want to please my brother-in-law, he will soon start school and therefore has little money. Since he needs a computer for the shared apartment anyway, I thought I’d surprise him and build something out of my old components with which he could also run existing titles. Available:

980Ti (ZOTAC Overclocked)
i7-5820k + MB (Arock X99 Killer) + 16 GB DDR4 RAM
Inexpensive housing 50 euros from 2009

So far he’s only had low end laptops (he grew up in Nepal, had no money for them) and had missed games in the last >10 years, and the ones in existence couldn’t. The 980Ti is still fine, for FHD and 30fps it should probably do that for a few more years.

You need a power supply, a hard drive, a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse. He can experience the sound through headphones, and he has to buy them himself. The question is what to take?

When it comes to the power supply, I thought of cheap branded goods:…r-B9-Bulk-Non-Modular-80–Bronze_1228436.html

Hard disk, preferably a classic hard disk drive:…DM008-256MB-3-5Zoll–8-9cm–SATA_1233627.html

Mouse keyboard, monitor:

I really have no idea. It should not be nonsense, especially since the screen could be more decent. With a mouse/keyboard worth €20, he is sure to be satisfied.…Maus-Tastatur-Set–drahtgebunden_1328933.html

When it comes to the screen, I have no clear vision at all because I do everything on the TV at home. But do you think that for 100 euros there are definitely useful things?

What do you recommend?

1. Do you want to play on PC?

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Yeah! Everything from the last few years, GTA V, RDR and RDR2, Bioshock, Horizon ZD, witcher 2 & 3, TR, all AC parts, Doom…
1080p 30fps is enough. At least the graphics settings are good, it’s by no means picky. (I wish)

2. Would you like to use your computer to edit photos/music/videos or CAD? As a hobby or are you a professional? What software will you use?

No, at least nothing overshadows the 5820k.

3. Do you have any special requirements or wishes (overclocking, a particularly quiet PC, RGB lighting, …)?


5. Do you still have an old computer, some of its components can still be used? (Please with links to specifications from the manufacturer or compare prices!)

Look above!

6. How much money do you want to spend?

From 200 to 300 euros

7. When do you want to buy the computer? Immediately if possible or can you wait a few more weeks/months?

As soon as possible

8. Would you like to assemble the computer yourself or assemble it (by the store or by volunteers)?

I do this for him.



Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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