Mysterious rumble from inside Mars discovered by NASA’s probe, scientific and technical news

NASA scientists have reported an exciting discovery on Mars by Insight Lanzal – mysterious roaring sounds from inside the planet.

Researchers believe that seismic events could be caused by a sudden release of energy from the planet, but the nature of this release remains unknown and puzzling.

Strangely enough, the new grumbling is believed to have come from a place on Mars called Cerberus Fusai, where Two other events are previous candidates It is believed that they have their origin.

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Although these vibrations are sometimes referred to as “earthquakes,” it is believed that the planet does not have an active tectonic system like Earth’s, which causes earthquakes.

Strangely enough, previous seismic events were discovered by the space agency’s InSight lander He reached the surface of the planet In 2018 – nearly a full Martian year or two occurred on Earth during the summer of Northern Mars.

Scientists predicted that this time of year would be the best chance for the lander to hear earthquakes as winds calm on the planet.

The InSight seismometer, known as the Internal Structure Seismic Experiment (SEIS), is so sensitive that it must be covered with a domed shield to protect it from the wind and prevent it from freezing during use.

However, the winds can cause sufficient vibration to mask the desired seismic signals. So the NASA team began to isolate the thin cable.

To do this, the team placed the shovel at the end of InSight’s robotic arm on the wobbly floor above the dome-shaped shield and lowered it onto the cable.

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The intention is to bring the floor as close as possible to the shield without compromising the waterproofing of the floor.

NASA's InSight robotic probe discovered and measured what scientists believe is an earthquake.  Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech
Researchers are learning to differentiate seismic signals

Burying the seismic bond itself is one of the goals of the next phase of the mission, which NASA recently extended for two years through December 2022.

But despite the wind turbulence on the InSight seismometer, it doesn’t do much to help the landing craft’s solar panels, which remain covered in dust.

Energy is now low as Mars moves away from the sun, although energy levels are expected to increase after July when the planet approaches the sun again.

Until then, the team will turn off their InSight tools one by one so they can fall asleep. He wakes up regularly to check his health and send a message to Earth.

NASA said the team hopes to let the seismometer work for a month or two before it is turned off.

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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