New movie released without Melina and The Light –

Software and Bandai Namco New movie From Elton Ring It depicts a mysterious encounter Melina and without light, All under a suggestive starry sky.

The shot was shared as usual from the official Elton Ring Twitter account and with the message:Traveler coming from beyond the fog, I Melina. I offer you a contract. ”

According to the currently available information, Melina is a mysterious NPC, he will light himself up, so he will give to the player In the early stages Game by proposing an alliance. In some ways it is somewhat reminiscent of the Chanelote of the Fire Guardians or Dark Souls series.

Sensa Loose and Melina in Elton Ring's new film shared from software
Sensa Loose and Melina in Elton Ring’s new film shared from software

In the picture we see Sensei Luce and Melina sitting next to each other, while what looks like a “spiritual fire” (another personal assumption), they are probably making the aforementioned deal. One of the first areas explored in the Elton Ring can be seen in the distance are the walls of the castle already seen in earlier paintings and drawings.

We will have to wait to know for sure February 25, 2022, PS5, Xbox Series X | Launch day of the new expected topic from software on S, PS5, PS4 and PC. If you have not already done so, you can find out here the dates, times and how to sign up for next month’s Elden Ring Closed Beta.

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Veronica Tucker

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