New Year’s Eve in Notre Dame: Jean-Michel Jarre as a Virtual Magician – Culture

Jarre will play live from 23:25 in a studio not far from Notre Dame, while his Avatar will perform at the virtual cathedral at the same time. A technical challenge that over 100 people have worked on. Because it was about connecting the studio’s real world to the virtual world via Jarre’s graphic form. The event is free and can be accessed on Facebook and YouTube, as well as on the City of Paris website and the VRChat virtual reality app. It is also broadcast live on the French radio station France Inter and on the PFMTV television station.

Jarre debuted as an Avatar a few months ago in the “Fête de la Musique” on June 21st. The musician doesn’t like to remember that. He said in the conversation that this was a bad experience. He only had three weeks. “Alone Together” is the name of a virtual live concert supported by the French Ministry of Culture.

Jar believes in virtual reality as a complete expression in itself. Virtual reality is today for live shows, when cinema was in its infancy compared to theater. “When cinema was invented 125 years ago, the actors weren’t actually acting or speaking in front of an audience,” he said.

Does he want to go from being a pioneer in electronic music to a pioneer in virtual reality parties? He replied, “When I started my compositions for the boat, I was opening new horizons. It was exciting and fun. I have that feeling now too.” It’s also fascinating and confusing to him how quickly he forgot about the avatar aspect and immersed himself in the virtual world.

See also  Tomorrow's virtual world

Giant’s Obsession and Experiences: Jar is known worldwide for its huge, high-tech concerts. In 1986, on the occasion of the visit of Pope John Paul II, who died in 2005, he gave an impressive performance in Lyon, where the French discovered the laser guitar for the first time.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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