Nier Replicant, Returnal und Monkey Island •

The weather is crazy, but this time at least it’s in our hands. Enjoying the warm sunshine – aside from a few small rounds of League of Legends – I was outside a lot and explored the open world of my city. She found a woodpecker violently knocking over – a bird whose neck muscles can safely keep up with Kratos, Hulk & Co.

Since you can’t get fresh air and enjoy the sunshine of course, dear fellows have retired to their little rooms after a full oxygen surge to stretch their legs a little in virtual worlds. A little screen tan will not cause any damage just before summer.

Judith: The weekend has been relatively relaxing and sunny for me – I rarely close, but the last few days have been very relaxing. Of course, she also took some time to gamble. On the other hand, I was simply in the spring mood and there was nothing better than a relaxing Sunday tour with me Stardo Valley (Except to go out and get some fresh air, maybe … um). In Sternentaw Valley, I was very generous this time and distributed fresh ice cream to all sorts of neighbors, completely unselfishly, so as not to sleep myself!

DarkSouls Face
My new face, Dark Souls … is rarely seen, but it’s especially iconic

Otherwise, you’ve got a little personal feat in a game that might not be completely relaxing. It was actually during the week, but we’re just pretending it was Saturday, because I really want to tell you that, that’s fine, right? Because I’m a little proud. After my last Dark Souls Frost She trained hard – think of it like putting together a rock training with cool rock – and she feels a little bit godless with every successful show. Then the gargoyles finally sent the bell to the ground and of course, loud shouts of joy! So now I have the last drought behind me and can go on – maybe still be a true Souls player after all?

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Alex: On the weekend I have a little bit on the PS Vita Alondra I played an excellent, Zelda-like game for the PSone in 1997. It is funny that I only discovered yesterday that it is a successor Country speakers (Mega Drive) is. I think Alundra is one of the best, if not the best, like Zelda, mainly due to the story in which the central characters die in a row. Until 97, no adventure movement gave me so much passion. Wonderful! I don’t think I’ll be able to finish the 30-hour campaign before my new Vita memory stick arrives, with which I’m finally going to an American account, but it was nice to have this special game again trying new eyes.

Otherwise, there was still a wait for the test Return In the plan, which is much tougher than I expected after completing the first of six biomes. I haven’t left Biome 2 yet, yeah, I’ll say I’m stuck here now. But I assume the knot is going to blow today and things will slide better after that. Otherwise, I have another look at the castle show from Resident Evil Village 8 Thrown. But this is a topic for another text …

Cochineal Waste is the meltdown that is currently plaguing me.

Benjamin: How do you gamble in nice weather? Well, you just can’t be outside. Weekend entertainment was shallower. For example in Overcooked: All You Can Eat, With some levels requiring careful coordination and cooperation. Others, however, are a breeze. But it sure is fun again and again! On Sunday, after an earlier 7-kilometer hike, there was a cycle Mario Party 2 In the program, it’s more liked and better than the latest Switch offshoot. And it occurred to me that a Mario party can look really beautiful with beautifully drawn 2D gamepads. Let’s see where the series goes next. Then there was a third game in the league, but you’ll learn more about it later in the week.

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Everything was better than before …

the mother: There is still an online conference running on Steam to this day. You might have also noticed this: LudoNarraCon. It is the third event for indie publisher Fellow Traveler to celebrate mini narrative games on the Valve platform. In the meantime, I started streaming and saw three (out of 20) chat demos: Button City, Kraken Academy !! And mind scanners. The Kraken Academy !! It did that to all of us. Broccoli as a love interest? How can you say no! It’s funny that I (or rather Judith) discovered during the match that there was a nice German development team behind the game. The Kraken Academy !! But it is not easy to describe: the game is a mixture of a visual novel, QuickTime elements and a classic adventure game in which you can use ?? WASD ?? He runs through the world and fulfills one task or the other. There weren’t any real fights in the demo yet, but there was a bunch of colorful characters that I liked.

Broccoli Girl and Butter Boy get to know each other at Music Club. We prefer not to talk about the cooking class.

If no demos were triggered, the last two days were about to happen NieR Replicant Shane Megami, Tenn. At NieR, I’m currently just a spectator, but I hope that changes very soon! I’ve actually noticed that compared to Automata, it’s more emptying, slower and more imaginative. Personally, I like it very much, because despite the crowded graphics, Replicant contains a lot of nostalgia. And the fact that I can’t play myself is not difficult at all, because I can still enjoy the wonderful sounds of kichi okapi. Soundtrack just a dream! On the one hand, Shin Megami Tennessee is happily grinding himself to his side, because I firmly refuse to set the difficulty level to ‘Karima’ ?? To arrive. With Nocturne – I’m convinced – it’s part of the story to torment yourself through this wasteland.

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Martin: The weekend was as retro as it is, practically a cliché: I have Monkey Island play. Not necessarily because I wanted to play Monkey Island. More because I was dissatisfied because I didn’t have a beautiful version of MT-32 music and I was able to solve this very personal problem with the help of a combination of Lo- and High-tech. From the 35-year-old MPU-401 to the 30-year-old MT-32 to the two-year-old Steinberg USB-C recorder and newly debugged Cubase recorder, it was cross generation, maximum effort, and maximum patching fun.

Monkey registration
Handicrafts at the weekend. That’s how you do it, right?

I noticed a few things about the legendary “Formerly”. Monkey Island was actually very hollow. Sure, there was nothing and we still have to share that, but if you take a closer look at the legendary Duel Master or how to get to the Sword Master … how could we not get it after two minutes? We spent days and weeks doing that? How stupid we were then? However, that didn’t diminish the fun at the time. Today the puzzles may not be successful, but humor has its heights. “Giving funny scraps to heavily armed clowns will always work.” So yeah, a little trip to the time of the simpler adventure and the exaggerated old technique.

The funniest scene in a computer game? It was hard to beat.

new games? New Gym Plus Plus in Yoke edition. After all, at some point I want to see the new ending in my game, even if I know how it will end. Especially when the game is super fun, and thanks to modern technology, it no longer has any load times – or almost no load times if you play on an old Xbox or PS4. Thankfully, there is a soundtrack here, because if it wasn’t that I would sit down with my tape recorder right away. Good melancholy, still cool!

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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