The robbery in Bremerhaven now: what happened today? Here at you can read local police reports from your area every day – today with the current blue light report sent by Bremerhaven Police.
Current Police Report: Theft
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Cell phone and wallet stolen – Witnesses wanted after theft
Bremerhaven (ots) –
A hitherto unknown perpetrator attacked and robbed a 56-year-old man in Bremerhaven Leahy early on Saturday evening, January 1st. Police have launched an investigation and are looking for witnesses (0471/953-3221) A Bremerhaven resident was walking around 6pm when an unknown person hit him in the head in front of a restaurant on Neulandstrasse/Auguststrasse. Then the man fell to the ground. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the suspect searched the helpless person’s pockets and stole his mobile phone and wallet, including several hundred euros in cash. Then the stranger fled in the direction of Neue Straße. The 56-year-old was in raid Slightly injured. The perpetrator was described as follows: a male, about 23 years old, who was wearing a black jacket with white stripes on the sleeves. The police have initiated criminal proceedings and are requesting relevant information.
This message was sent on January 3, 2022, at 1:15 am by Bremerhaven Police.
Criminal statistics on burglary in the county of Bremerhaven
According to Police Crime Statistics (PKS) issued by the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) it was located in the Bremerhaven region in the year. 2020 all in all 252 crimes Recorded in relation to burglary, with attempted crimes in 36.5% of cases. the filter rate Included in 2020 15.5%. The suspects totaled 40, including two women and 38 men. 20% of the suspects are of non-German origin.
Modification | The number of suspects |
under 21 | 10 |
21 to 25 | 4 |
25 to 30 | 6 |
30 to 40 | 10 |
40 to 50 | 6 |
50 to 60 | 4 |
more than 60 | 0 |
For 2019, the FBI police crime statistics announced 279 burglaries registered in the Bremerhaven area, and the purge rate here was 8.6%.
Criminal statistics of crimes in the category apartment burglary in the county of Bremerhaven
The year 2020 was determined by the Police Crime Statistics (PKS) of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in the county of Bremerhaven. 14 home burglary offenses registered. the filter rate It is included here 71.4%. And 14.3% of cases remained as attempted crime. under A total of 17 suspects There were 15 men and two women. 35.3% of the suspects are of non-German origin.
Modification | The number of suspects |
under 21 | 0 |
21 to 25 | 3 |
25 to 30 | 5 |
30 to 40 | 7 |
40 to 50 | 0 |
50 to 60 | 1 |
more than 60 | 1 |
for the year 2019 Are police crime statistics from BKA 13 cases of burglary have been recorded Known in the Bremerhaven region, the filter rate It is included here 92.3%.
+++ Note to Editors: This text was based on current data from blue light report From the press portal and crime statistics for BKA are automatically generated. Original content from: “Meldungsgeber”, transmitted by aktuell news: To the press portal report. In order to notify you as quickly as possible, these texts are automatically generated and randomly checked. If you have any comments or questions, please contact +++
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