Preferred by PS Plus Players, Reveals Survey Results on Sony Service –

Sony has recently shared a new one Financial report dedicated to PlayStation. Among the various information shared, you can also read that according to a survey, most players are satisfied PS Plus.

In particular, The 72% Players who took part in the survey said they were satisfied with a score of eight to ten (maximum ten). A significant 33% of players rated PS Plus as “highly satisfied”.

As you can see below, Sony claims to have 36% of gamers registered Play online30% do so for monthly free games. 21% prefer to take advantage of exclusive discounts, while 13% prefer access to cloud storage memory dedicated to storing data.

The PlayStation Report is dedicated to PS Plus
The PlayStation Report is dedicated to PS Plus

TO March 2022Also, 69% of subscribers are PS4 players, the remaining 31% are PS5 players. Apparently, the percentage is controlled by the number of PS5s in circulation.

Saw PS Plus too Fall of subscribers In fiscal year 2021, but it came after a year of overwhelming success, attracting many players as exclusive consoles through the Covit-19 (which made many more stay at home) and Fall Guys.

Cameras are criticizing the latest plus news these days, but some issues have turned out to be a “stumbling block” like extra and deluxe surcharges.

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Veronica Tucker

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