Razer, the world’s leading gamer lifestyle brand (Hong Kong Stock Code: 1337), has set a new goal as part of its highly successful Sneki Snek campaign: saving a million trees. With this, Razer plans to increase the original target by ten times. Thanks to the popularity of the Razer Sneki Snek amulet and the massive support of the Razer fan base, the first goal of saving 100,000 trees was achieved in cooperation with Conservation International in less than two months. The campaign was so successful that it now has over 150,000 trees, which means more than 242 hectares of forest area.
To celebrate this achievement, Razer expanded its goal of saving a million trees. With every achievement achieved, new Sneki Snek merchandise is released. Once you reach the original target of 100,000 trees, the RazerStore Live Events 5 AM März Advertise new merchandise as well as other great products.
Sneki Snek has been hugely popular with the community since last year – some fans even got tattoos. A great passion and a successful passion YouTube video Make Sneki the perfect mascot for Razer’s #GoGreenWithRazer conservation and sustainability campaign.
“The support for the #GreenWithRaze campaign with Sneki Snek is amazing.” Razer Co-Founder and CEO Min Liang Tan said, “We thought it would take some time to save 100,000 trees, but we reached the target in less than two months and we’re on our way to cross the next 250,000 mark. . “This is why we decided, together with our community and Sneki Snek, to become more ambitious in protecting nature by expanding the goal to a million trees. The more trees we save, the more we protect our nature and keep our animal world alive.”
The new attractions are 250,000, 500,000, 750,000 and finally a million trees. With community access to these brands, Razer releases new Sneki Snek merchandise at every milestone to reward the community for their efforts and achieve the millionth goal. Every Sneki Snek sold saves 10 trees and pushes towards the ultimate goal of 1 million trees.
With support from Razer, Conservation International is committed to protecting trees in many forests around the world, including Costa Rica, Ecuador, Suriname, Brazil, Madagascar and Indonesia. Conservation International works directly with the people who live there and depend on forests, using innovative tools, techniques, and means to identify the most important forest priorities and use the benefits they provide to people and wildlife to ensure the long-term sustainability to give. It also guarantees long-term protection and health.
More information: https://www.razer.com/campaigns/sneki-snek
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