Sale of sports equipment and equipment from the Airness brand in Mali: “Boutique des Aigles” is open in Fémafoot

Malamin Kone (CEO of Eagles Airness and equipment manufacturer) and FA (Femafoot) President Mamoto Toure “Bavio”, on Wednesday March 23, 2022, kicked off the opening of the “Boutique des Eagles” open to Fémafoot for the sale of Airness sports equipment. In preparation for the event, Mamoutou Touré “Bavieux” and Malamine Koné hosted a press conference to talk about the Airness-Fémafoot partnership.

In his speech, Mamoto Toure “Paphos” He paid tribute to the lively Malamin Kone (baby of Nina), CEO of the Airness brand (the Eagles equipment supplier) who has been serving Mali for several decades for the clothing of the first national team and youth teams. He welcomed the partnership between the FA and the Airness brand, before noting that the federation had improved the contract between Femafoot and the Airness brand in order to give greater visibility to Mali’s national teams. Indeed, the head of Fémafoot revealed that in the evaluation of the shirts at Can Cameroon 2021, the Eagles’ jerseys were selected as follows: The best shirts for the Cameroon national team 2021. “Sure, the results we had hoped for did not materialize, but we managed to create this partnership that unites us with the Airness brand, a frenzy that has prompted many millionaires to pay for Airness shirts at the FA level. In our partnership, we wanted to create a store.”He said.

According to the head of Femafoot, the opening “The Eagles Store” of Airness brand at Fémafoot headquarters will allow millions to access Airness brand equipment. And bless Mali for qualifying for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. “The ambition that drives us is to ensure that all footballers come together and share the same sentiments and sentiments about the national teams. It will be a great honor for us to see journalists raise awareness and mobilize the Malian sporting public, on Friday 25 March 2022, to support the Mali Eagles in their first playoff match. Against Tunisia. May God Almighty grant us the opportunity to qualify for the World Cup. We are one step away from this challenge, everyone is playing their part. Which will allow us, God-satisfied, to win the first round in Bamako and face the second round with great confidence and a lot of commitment.”ATI said.

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According to Bavieux, the partnership between the FA and the Airness brand is going very well. “We no longer have a problem with wasted shirts and we have reduced counterfeiting dramatically. We will make Airness shirts and other equipment and gadgets accessible to everyone. The ambition that drives us is to ensure that the “Boutique des Aigles” is a reference store and creates a friendly environment among us. We will need the support and understanding of all Financial “behold.

Strong messages from Malamin Kone: “The match is

occasion, opportunity, chance

Malamin Kone, after thanking the President of the FA, said to himself “Happy to be back home” (In Mali) to attend the important match that Mali will play against Tunisia on Friday 25 March 2022. According to him, this match is an opportunity, an opportunity and an opportunity for Mali to be able to qualify for the World Cup. 2022 in Qatar. “It is a chance, but this opportunity is well deserved. It is deserved because the players did the right thing. It should not be forgotten. They finished first in their group in the final stage of Can Cameroon 2021. The leaders did what they did It had to be done. They put the players in good conditions so that they can express themselves on the field. The technical staff did what needed to be done so that the players could produce the game, and the authorities did what had to be done because they provided the means so that everything could work. Now it is up to us, sports fans, fans, football fans and fans, to support the Eagles so they can pursue their dreams. Mali needs it today more than ever. We need it because our country is going through a crisis from which it will recover.”He said.

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As a worthy son of Mali, he said that Mali never put her knees on the ground. “Mali has a brave, hardworking and hardworking people. Malians have always stood up and this time Malians will stand still because in the wake of Mali’s independence, the founding fathers of the First Republic of Mali fought to unite the Malian people around the republican values ​​of “One People – One Goal – One Faith”. This says it all.He remembers. He called on Malians to remain united to fight together for the same goal. “We must be convinced that we will get there if we want to, if we give ourselves the means. We have the means, we have the talent, we have the ideas, we have the will. Now, we must all unite to try not only to raise football and financial sport as high as possible, but Now the whole country must look up and not down. We have decided today to be active in our development. It is logical, it is understandable. But this must be done through the sharing of ideas and talents and above all in the trust between us” Malamin advised Kony.

In this momentum, the CEO of Airness continues as follows: “We must come together so that we can finally take our destiny into our own hands and show everyone that we are financial. We need partners because, as the saying goes: “Alone we go fast, but together we go far.” Today Mali needs to go far, not hurry. We must understand what It happens to us, and we must analyze the reasons for what is happening to us and we must learn from it. Next, we must combine our thoughts and forces to build the new Mali that we all dream of”pointed out.

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In order to make the jerseys available to millions, he was assured he would innovate “booster shirts” reasonable prices. Paveaux promised that if Mali qualifies for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, Vimavout will send a lot of traveling journalists. After the conference, Malamin Kone proceeded to deliver equipment including soccer kits, balls, box and crossbars. He gave a shirt to Cheicknè Demba (Vice-President of the National Federation his supporters of the Eagles “Unasam” and another shirt to Happy Diallo (the best fan of the Eagles in Cannes Cameroon 2021) and then moved with Baffeo at the opening ceremony of the “The Eagles Store”.

Siaka Doumbia

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