Smartphone, how to avoid overheating damage

Summer 2021 broke all records. Impressive temperature peaks have been recorded from Lombardy to Sicily. The first day of fall is September 22nd, so we are likely to have more warm days. Cooling in the pool, lake, beach or water park will not only be your concern but also your phone.

Phone batteries and extreme heat can be a dangerous combination.

When internal temperatures rise dramatically, the phone may shut down at best. at worst, The battery can expand to dangerous levels And even ignite or explode. Chances of your phone catching fire – like the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in 2016 – are rare. It is more common for a phone to turn itself off when it gets too hot, leaving us without a working phone. Or even worse, we may not even realize it.

The phone will always display a warning message, if it overheats and you need to turn it off. It should work fine again once it cools down, but you may need to help it cool down.

Here are some tips to protect your phone from the heat.

Do not leave the phone in direct sunlight.

Now that you realize that the phone overheating is a real problem, make sure to keep it out of direct sunlight. At the pool or beach, keep your phone tucked away under a beach chair towel or in a beach bag, especially if you’re taking a nap or soaking in the water.

It’s also a good idea to leave the phone in a hot car (eg in the trunk or glove compartment) or even indoors where direct rays can cause interior temperatures to rise.

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Try not to overuse your phone in hot weather

If your phone is hotter than usual, skip to the tips in Step 3. But if you know you’ll be outside and your phone starts to heat up, take precautions to turn off the features you don’t use: Bluetooth, LTE, Wi-Fi, GPS, and all the apps that you’re using. running in the background.

The less busy the phone, the lower the performance of the processor, the less likely it is to overheat inside.

How to cool down an overheating phone

  • Remove the charger cable, if it is attached.
  • Move it to a cool, dark place.
  • Turn off the phone to allow the processor to completely stop and cool down.
  • Remove the case if there is one. This allows cool air to circulate around the metal or glass surfaces of the phone.
  • Let cool, dry air blow (from the car air conditioner, fan, or refrigerator for a short period of time). This will help reduce the internal temperature of the phone more quickly and make it work again.
  • It is recommended to wait at least 15 minutes before turning it on to see if it has cooled enough.

What to do (and not do) if your battery starts to swell

If the battery appears to be swollen, this could be a sign that your phone is in serious trouble. If you see cracked edges or start to leak, never touch it with your hands.

Use gloves or some other liner to put it in a bag and move it to a safe place, such as a concrete floor in the center of the garage or a metal bowl, in case it explodes or catches fire.

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Contact your carrier or device manufacturer immediately for customer support. Don’t try to use the phone. As we said before, this situation is extremely rare, but it does happen, which is why it is important to follow practical precautions to keep the device cool even on hot days.

Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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