Sony: Days Gone on PS4 will be transferred to PC

Sony brings another offering from PS exclusives to PC. Sony’s developer Bend Studio has confirmed on Twitter that the “Days Gone” zombie adventure will appear on PC in the spring.

Compared to other PS4 exclusive games such as “God of War,” “The Last of Us 2,” and “Horizon Zero Dawn,” which are already available as a PC version, “Days Gone” is more than a standard game: Metacritic has an action-adventure game with a result. 71.

The transfer is also good news for all game fans who aren’t even interested in “Days Gone”: It continues the trend of moving more and more Playstation exclusive titles to computers – at least beyond that with some distance.

Sony started this strategy last summer with the open-world game “Horizon: Zero Dawn”. “Death Stranding” was released for PC before that. “Death Stranding” was previously a PS4 exclusive game, unlike “Horizon” and “Days Gone”, it was not developed by Sony.

“Horizon: Zero Dawn” started on PC with technical issues, which got better over time. Newer user reviews on the Steam PC platform are significantly more positive with 93 percent buy recommendations from user test reports at the start of sales.

When announcing the release of “Horizon: Zero Dawn”, Sony Director Hermen Hulst lightened expectations for other PC games. He wrote at the time that one should not expect all PS exclusive games to suddenly appear on the PC.

With “Horizon Zero Dawn” and “Days Gone”, Sony wants to reach new audiences. Sony Corporation President Jim Ryan said in an interview with GQIn addition, the port could help absorb increasing development costs. It remains to be seen if it will follow more exclusive PS games for PC.


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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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