No time now?
Sony has changed her mind again. Playstation stores for old consoles remain open and not shut down.
The news comes as a surprise: The Playstation 3 and Vita stores have not closed as planned. The company officially announced this.
Sony only announced it last monthThe Playstation Store is no longer available on old consoles. In addition to the PS3 and Vita, the PSP must also be affected by the shutdown. The owners of these models can no longer purchase the games. This project was met with a lot of criticism. The claim was, among other things, that Sony would have no interest in preserving old classics.
In the process, some of the arguments were clearly high, now prompting Sony to change its decision once again; At least partially. Plans to close the PS3 and Vita stores are on hold for the time being, but the PSP will still expire July 2, 2021.
PS Store Update: Players will continue to purchase games on the PS3 and PS Vita:
PlayStation April 19, 2021
Jim Ryan, President and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, stated in one of them Blog postIt was clearly a wrong decision when it was decided to close the PS3 and Vita Playstation stores.
Up and down the PlayStation stores
But why was such an announcement made at all? According to Ryan, the idea behind closing the PS3 and Vita stores was to reallocate resources. PS4 and The new PS5 Full attention should be given. However, the reaction of many Playstation fans showed that games for old consoles still need to be purchased digitally in the store. That is why it was decided to continue operating the stores.
“I am delighted to keep this part of our history alive for gamers as we continue to create new game worlds for PS4, PS5 and beyond. A generation of virtual reality Develops, “says Ryan in his closing statement. So it’s clear that the PS3 and Vita stores will continue to operate as usual for now. Of course, they could still be turned off at some point. Even then, older games can still be played. Really hard.

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