Nintendo introduces a new mechanism for that gaming studioSoftware ready: Run with the B button! You can use this in Free Scripting mode and as the name suggests… you can use the mechanism to make your character race if he moves while pressing button B.
To go into more detail: This mechanism increases the output values of the joystick whenever button B is pressed. This way, it ensures that your character moves faster than usual when you press button B.
In this mechanism, which can be downloaded from today, the joystick has an output value of 1.00 in the normal state and an output value of 2.00 when the B button is held down.
Simply select the “Receive Online” option in “Free Programming” mode and enter the following game ID to download the mechanism:
- game number: G 002 RMM HFP
- Created by Nintendo: P 006 RRL 837
Since Nintendo has published its own programmer ID, we can imagine that more mechanics will be published in this way or even games specially created by Nintendo in the future. Just keep our website and/or game studio channel in your news zone Nintendo Switch in the eye!