Struggle over antenna never ends, mayor contemplates ‘administrative strike’

Free Mobile: The fight over the antenna never ends, the mayor thinks

In a confrontation with Free, the municipality loses a new round. The mayor disapproves of the operator doing what he likes and considers his role to be doubtful according to the court’s decision.

From the beginning we made it clear that this antenna with its characteristics in this place many of us do not want it, especially since we did not ask for anything. This antenna is not registered with the New Deal mobile app. Free only wants to build this antenna, and since the first permit application was submitted, they haven’t changed any properties of the project”, Jean-Luc Rouen, the mayor of Surat, angered the municipality of Arij, while the former municipality, the new municipality and many local associations always expressed a categorical rejection.

For the third time, the operator returned to the charge to be able to erect his 36-meter-high tower in a place called Kampot, and for the third time, the administrative judiciary called on the municipality to review its position. In his ruling on November 26, the judge “The implementation of the latest opposition decree is suspended.” And ask the city council “Delivery to SAS Free Mobile a provisional decision of no opposition within one month”. The Toulouse Administrative Court also ordered the municipality to pay 1,500 euros in damages.

The next phase ?

“He refutes our decree by asking us to make another decision, I can understand decisions like this. On the other hand, he is asking me to make an interim decision and unlike what we have taken, we no longer understand. He forces me to delegate and this completely questions the role of elected officials, which I personally I find it very dangerous.”, regrets Jean-Luc Roan.

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The advisor is already thinking about what to do next. “We are not ruling out an administrative strike to express our displeasure, or also to send all applications for building permits to the expedited judge because in the end it is he who decides.”, he explains, passed a bit.

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Brooke Vargas

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