The Apple game invented in Creps was made by elected youth

Since yesterday and the following week after that, he is being tested with the municipal children’s council.

Wed May 5 at 10:10 a.m. in a room on the 6th floor of the municipality building: The questions are understandable ? “Thomas Torelli free, little game over. The answer, frank and direct, is not long in coming: “Yeah !.

What if I add a card that can block a player from their turn?

“Oh yeah, that’s cool! Very good!”An increase in the ceremony children present.

Children sure, but not any of them. Get this: those who were elected last November to represent Montpellier’s youngest member of the Municipal Youth Council.

“The kids really liked the graphics on the set, they had a great time and wanted to play again”

In short, the ambassadors, but above all the testers, who were chosen, yesterday morning at City Hall, then at Maison pour tous Léo-lagrange, they checked the Apple game. Or a unique version of the goose game created here, at the foot of Clabas, at the headquarters of the Sports, Experience and Performance Resource (CREPS) Center. And his stated goal is to learn how to eat better while having fun.

A game imagined by Jean-Christophe Aubin (Head of “Sports Performance”) and Marion Sunzoni (Diet Student). This cleared the way for Thomas Torelli (currently in Master’s degree in Nutrition and Food Sciences at the faculty).

A board game in development that has been clearly seduced since then (Academy, Board of Directors, Anti-Obesity League, etc.).

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So yesterday morning was at a critical moment in evolution. The truth, all too often, disembodied, always comes out of children’s mouths, wait for the creators to see which roll of dice they will be measured.

And at the end of the morning the ruling was overturned: “We had very good feedback for the two sessions. The kids really liked the graphics on the set, they had a great time and wanted to restart a game”Summarizes, satisfied, Thomas Torelli.

Hence it is a satisfactory first stage; That calls again.

On Wednesday, May 12, a third session will take place, still in City Hall. Then a fourth and final event took place at the Maison de la Démocratie, in the Gares region.

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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