The grave! 2 was announced, before a reprint of the first edition was even available

During the limited run games event Grave announced! 2, Tomby from us! 2, a remastered version of the classic for PlayStation. Curiously, this came out before the remastered version of the first chapter was available. Anyway, it will launch on PC, PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch. So no Xbox version. The PC version is available for purchase on Steam.

The eagerly awaited sequel

With this notification, A Presentation trailer, which takes one of the gameplay cutscenes. We haven't seen anything about the game, but since this is a pre-Playstation era game, you're probably already familiar with it. It is to see how the graphics have been improved and how the performance will be on the new gaming machines.

Whoopi Camp is still in development and the same studio is working on the first episode. The full title of the game is Tomba! 2: Return of the Evil Swine, a Wide gameWith many new quests and difficulties definitely scaled towards the other.

Tomba now wants to defeat the Bad Pigs and take a vacation with his monkey friend Charles. However, when he goes to visit the Village of All Beginnings, he meets some Miley Koma, who become suspicious of him. After a while, his insect friend, Zippo, gives him a letter that says so Tabby is missing, his girlfriend. Tomba immediately suspects the pigs and embarks on an adventure to find the young woman. Needless to say, the evil pigs kidnapped her to continue their evil plans.

Veronica Tucker

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