The mental terror game will take place in a video apartment

Project Mara: Ninja Theory Mental Terror will be set in a photorealistic apartment

Publicly revealed on January 22, 2020, which is almost a year to date, Project Mara is back with a new video, or rather, a developer’s diary. L’occasion d’en apprendre un peu plus sur ce jeu de terreur mentale développé par le studio Ninja Theory, désormais sous la houlette de Microsoft depuis leur rachat en 2018. L’idée dans cette vidéo de 4 “32 min, c’est de montrer comment il est possible de capturer la réalité de manière obsessive. Ce sont les termes employés par Tameem Antoniades, le co-fondateur du studio, mais qui officie aussi en tant que Directeur Créatif sur chacun des jeux du studio. ‘ailleurs son faciès qui fut utilisé pour représenter le Dante de DmC en 2013, même si Tameem Antoniades a toujours démenti la chose. Mais reprenons, car ce Project Mara a ceci de ceci de qu’il se déroulera unement dans un seul et unique décor: Flat.

To make it as realistic as possible, the team used an actual apartment to fully photograph and scan it, be it the floor, ceiling, walls and all the things that decorate it. A bit like mapping, the goal is to reproduce each element symmetrically to make it a 3D rendering larger than life. We can also see a studio member create a kind of darkroom to photograph every item and reproduce different materials to perfection like leather for example. Thanks to this new technology, it is possible to identify edges and imperfections, but also a lot more accurate things like dirt or dust. According to Tamim Antoniadis, this technology used in the MARA project will lay the foundations for all the other studio creations that have continued to surprise us and gain momentum. Finally, the last thing before leaving, know that Melina Jurgens, the actress who plays Senoa in Hellblade who turns out to be the video editor for the Ninja Theory. Also a victim of psychotic disorders such as the character of Senoa, it appears that Melina Jürgens has become a darling of the studio.

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Mara project

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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