Town stands in the way. Frey decides to take the case to justice.
The dispute between the free and the municipality. The operator wishes to install the 5G antenna in La Plaine-sur-mer, in Loire-Atlantique, more precisely in the Basse-Treille sector. No doubt the municipality. Mayor Severin Marchand raises an institution in contravention of the Coastal Code that prohibits any urbanization anywhere other than already existing congregations and villages. Hence the categorical rejection of this project was expressed on 8 March.
Head to court
Free estimates on her part that work “low dimension”legit in this field and it is “Unimaginable” To be transferred to the village of La Plaine-sur-Mer. Determined to install its own 5G antenna, the carrier is finally on the offensive. Xavier Niel’s operator has already turned to the Administrative Court of Nantes on June 9, 2021 to suspend the refusal. The operator also recently won the case in the same court, in another case against Pornic Municipality.
To support the inconsistency with the Coastal Code, Isabel Leon, a municipal attorney, emphasized the fact that the antenna would be “More than one kilometer from the city center” And the More than 200 meters from the first construction. And to add: “We are, at least, in a sprawling residential area”. The operator’s lawyer is self-confident, and she thinks she did it ‘strong arguments’. The summary judge intends to pronounce a “long stay”Waiting for the State Council’s opinion on this matter.
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