The premiere of 2022 is underway, and in a few hours we will see it as huge; All details of the event can be found at »

Superluna: The premiere of 2022 is underway, and in a few hours we will see it huge; All details of the event

June 14; Super moon!A spectacular event will return in a few hours Also known in Italy; Super Moon.
Enter this date: Today, Tuesday 14th June.
This year will be the first year of 2022. Will have to wait until July and August to see other super moons.

The Super Moon occurs when our satellite is present Full moon phase (Full moon) And at the same time the closest point to Earth (Periji). In this case we can observe that the Moon is slightly larger than normal (8-10% higher) so its brightness is higher (13-5% higher). Compared to what we see today. “Giant“The moon will fill at 1:52 pm on June 14th, to be exact, the next day, June 15th, at 1:23 am in Perigee, Italy, and it will be 357,658 km away from us. Does not affect. In a few hours you can see it so big, so bright, and above all “complete”!

Now A little curious; Let’s go and find outThe origin of time “Super Moon” e Because this month it will have a specific name called “Strawberry”.

Term Super Moon Developed by an astrologer in 1979 (Richard Knoll) And for this reason it is not well considered by the scientific community. Astronomers like to refer to an event with a less understandable pair of words “perigee-syzygy”. The first term refers to the period when the Moon is closest to the Earth, instead the term “CGC” is used to refer to the alignment of three celestial bodies belonging to the same gravitational system.

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And why “Strawberry“? Of course we do not see a strawberry shaped moon, a very low red moon. Who gave this name? Algonquians, A tribe of Native Americans, the strawberry harvest takes place at this time of year. However, on the old continent, this moon was also called the “Rose Moon” because these flowers would give off their unusual aroma during the flowering weeks.

Veronica Tucker

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