The (real) masters of the game

“It is time to pay homage to these people in the shadows and to switch, albeit a little, the light is usually focused on strikers and scorers.” To highlight these recovering midfielders, these are “shadow core players,” said Vincent Dulock.

In the case of these players he is the journalist the team I decided to crouch. With an expert eye, his style was as accurate as it was educational and above all, his passion for the round ball. Thus, it is about those who do not tire of collecting balloons, and those accelerators called Claudualdo, Johan Niskins, Andres Iniesta, Didier Deschamps, Claude Makelele, Jean Tegana, Patrick Vieira, Roy Kane, Lothar Matthews … in particular.

Associate a constructor with a destroyer

A travers neuf chapitres, Vincent Duluc définit ainsi “leur caractere”, décrypte “l’évolution de leur poste”, souligne “leur lien privilégié avec l’entraneur”, décrit “le grand vide” en leur absence, les point du doigt méchants », détaille leur adaptation à un“ nouveau monde ”, démontre qu’il est possible de“ les utiliser ensemble ”, explique“ les liens avec les meneurs de jeu ”et s’interroge sur le type“ d’entraîneurs ”qu ‘ They have become …

Without being overwhelming. If it is clearly a matter of technique and tactics, then the human aspect will never be neglected: Vincent Dulock goes back in time, gives the word to the people involved and, in the end, provides an accurate analysis that possesses his secret alone.

Example: “Often times, especially in a two-person environment, it was a question of associating a constructor with a destroyer of planning. And always the most creative of two people who catches all the light, because the camera and the spectators are following the ball. But the coaches look at something else and know To those who owe their fate. “

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Simple, sharp and effective. As the rest. As well as the heroes of this work …

The (real) masters of the game By Vincent Duluc, Solar Editions, 240 pages, 16.90 €

Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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