The trick to opening a secret WhatsApp menu full of ridiculous things

Not everyone knows this, but WhatsApp hides a secret menu full of very convenient and quick options in a strange place you can imagine. To open it, you have to pretend to delete the app.

I explain: Turn on your mobile and get the green WhatsApp app icon. Now instead of logging into the operating system, press and hold as you wish to remove the app.


Oliver RosieGetty Images

A strange menu with different options will appear here. The most commonly used in these cases is “Uninstall” with a small map of the trash can. But below are the others.

If you have Android, you will see a list of contacts you have spoken to in the last few hours and a button to access your smartphone’s camera. If you use Apple instead, you can search for the QR code, the camera, the new chat or something specific in the conversation.

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Veronica Tucker

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