Towards an April trial of Riot (League of Legends)? JVL News

“Project L”, the fighting game versus Riot Games, may have the right to a beta phase at the end of April.

As we know, Riot Games is working on several projects to expand the League Of Legendian world. Riot, which out of all the professions, is working on MMORPG, hack’n slash and solo RPG as well asThe famous fighting game “Project L”..

We don’t know much about this game at the moment, except that it would be possible to play iconic characters from License to smash each other’s face with joy and good humor. If Project L hasn’t filtered a lot of information yet, Smart, apparently well informed, is talking about a beta testing phase that will obviously launch on April 23rd.

It appears that quite a few of the lucky people enrolled in these test sessions were invited to give the famous dates mentioned above The tweezers are in order, but finally, why not? After all, Riot is used to communicating and surprises, so there’s a good chance the studio is on the verge of making something happen.

Either way, we hope one thing is that you’ll be able to hit Teemo, again, again, again ……….. and again.

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Tess Larson

<p class="sign">"Tv geek. Certified beer fanatic. Extreme zombie fan. Web aficionado. Food nerd. Coffee junkie."</p>

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