Turnfoil. 619 computers for high school students

Pupils of the second stage of the Lycée Françoise received the computer provided by the district on Thursday, September 16th. The computer is provided at the beginning of the school year free of charge to all second graders in 225 public high schools called “Digital High School”. Sandra Comte Dulong, School Principal, explains, “It is a very useful initiative. Thus, all pupils are equipped. The first and last received it when they entered the second, and those who come from another area receive it. One today with the seconds. .More and more teachers are incorporating the use of the computer into their Their teaching and proven applications align with teaching needs.” For students, this endowment is very important. “Last year, it wasn’t easy to follow distance learning courses on your home computer or over the phone,” said Chloe and Thiago. Rachida Lokazu, the regional advisor, who came to participate in the distribution, stresses that educational continuity is guaranteed thanks to LoRdi. “This device has been around for a few years, and it has made it possible to reduce the digital divide that still exists. Not all young people have a laptop. The regional strategy, which focuses on the development of digital education, has made it possible to counteract the health crisis.” specify.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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