Updates on summer 2022 events in Strasbourg

As every year, Strasbourg offers cultural events for the summer period. Tuesday, May 24, elected officials announced the 2022 program with some new features.

The city of Strasbourg revealed, on Tuesday 24 May, Programmed for summer 2022, during a press conference. The music festival on June 21 will be the launch event for the festivities. The Cathedral Lighting Show will return every night from July 8 through August 28.

As in recent years, the cathedral’s lighting show will be presented every day.
(Photo Passe Muraille & AV Extended / Document provided / cc)

New for this year

The lighting on Friday and Saturday evenings will be enriched by the many concerts of the group “Les Percussions de Strasbourg” and other artists who will perform on stage at the Place du Château. Osso Tofur, the vice mayor in charge of sports, also announced the construction of a portable swimming pool in Elsau “to allow the little ones to learn to swim.”

Jane Parsigian (EELV) attended the press conference to announce the 2022 summer program (Photo AE/Rue89 Strasbourg/cc)

The city of Strasbourg also launched the scheme “Tourist in my city”. The concept is to organize neighborhood guided tours for residents of other neighborhoods. “It is mainly intended for those who live in the outback, to allow them to discover Strasbourg from a new angle,” Oussou Toufor defines.

budget of 1.3 million euros

Elected officials have announced a €1.3 million budget for this year’s summer season, with programs intended for Strasbourg residents and tourists. In the Garden of the Two Banks, June 24-26, during the “Symphony of the Arts,” the city offers an open-air karaoke cinema, DJ sets, dance workshops, and concerts. In Docks Malraux, the ephemeral beach and naval base will be established once again, and live art shows will be staged on Fridays at 6 p.m.

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Brooke Vargas

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