Used computers are like new for job seekers

Often times, companies refresh their computers before they actually run out of computers. The Villeurbanne association collects, repackages and gives job seekers.

Every year, 3 million working computers are destroyed in France. Faced with this observation, the Villeurbannaise association, Weeefund, decided to take back the machines prepared for waste from companies and then rehabilitate them to give them either to individuals, or to training structures or societies.

Simple and effective gesture

Each computer is recovered. “Often times the computer itself is recovered. By changing some elements in the computer such as the hard disk or the RAMs, the machine again becomes completely usable and suitable for use. It takes half an hour. Then you have to reinstall an operating system like Linux ‘ Yannis Dilmi, IT technician, explains as he walks the talk. These minor improvements make it possible to double the life expectancy of a computer and thus reduce the amount of digital waste.

Partnership with Pôle emploi

Wevond She partnered with Pôle emploi. The association provides computers to the poor and has additionally established a maintenance and training service. Thanks to this gift, 51-year-old Mary learned computers to train as a leader of the cleaning team. “What I expect from training is gaining skills, not panicking anymore, and being more independent not to depend on someone.“She adds,”You have to be up to date, and be like everyone else“.

So far, Weeefund has equipped 814 people, 7 facilities and saved us 303.5 tons of CO2e.

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Frank Mccarthy

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