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Curiosity Rover Photos taken in the last few days of March provide a Martian sky with tall cloud systems full of colors and shadows that may contain frozen carbon dioxide
The sky of Mars
So with so much brilliance and so much stuff
Within two rays I looked wonderful …
They did it deep on Mars
Those rays are a sign of respect. ”
The story of Mars created by NASA is different from the story of Dante (Paradiso, Condo XIV), but in some ways it is no less poetic. To encourage those who have written new pages The work of the Curiosity rover Last pictures Sent by a small robot that has been working for almost ten years (Now diligently joined). Images like the one above show layers of majestic and colorful clouds, A show remade from 21 single films The scene appears to be a direct human eye as it is connected to each other and colored. These pictures were taken on March 19 – 3063 Tuesday, also known as the “Soul” – ShowThin tufts filled with ice crystals They radiate light from the sunset, some of which glow with color.
See also – Faces, Cannon Balls and Back-Man: Very Interesting Photos Taken on Mars
Dry and thin atmosphere
Cloudy days are rare in the thin, arid atmosphere of Mars. Clouds are common At the planet’s equator during the coldest time of the year, When Mars is farthest from the Sun in its oval-shaped orbit. This gif image and the following are taken by rover navigation cameras, 3072 Sol After sunset, Our 28 March.
See also – Milan, Rome, New York: Big cities photographed from space, at night
Dry ice
Curiosity team detects these clouds – Cloud formation is earlier than usual – Found at higher altitudes than normal. Most Martian clouds are no more than 60 kilometers long and are made up of water ice. But the clouds taken by Curiosity Located at a high altitude, Which is very cold, indicating that they are made of frozen carbon dioxide (or dry ice).
Night time clouds
As we read NASA site, “The The thin, ripple structures of these clouds Curiosity’s black and white navigation cameras make it easy to see. But they are mast camera or mastcam color pictures (It is located at the top of the robot’s arm tree, see photo below, ed) Really, really shining rover. I saw after dark, These twilight clouds are called “noctilucent”: They glow when filled with crystals, and then darken after the level of the sun has dropped below their height.
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