What if the match takes place in France?

What if, for the first time, an episode of GTA took us to France?

The importance of the venue of GTA 6

Of all the things in GTA 6, two things crystallize the expectations of fans around the world. Release date, of course. Although everyone knows that Rockstar will have to wait a while before it launches, it makes sense that it is very predictable.

The other point in the center of attention, the city where the adventure will take place. So much so that the online betting site has opened up problem betting to allow fans to gain money. And the series totally surprised us by letting us travel for the first time to France?

GTA 6, Beyond the US Border (and to France)?

everyone GTA series episodes It takes place in a city in the United States (excluding episodes of Grand Theft Auto: London). Without failing to rename it, of course. But the epic will gain everything from surprising its audience by being allowed to leave American soil, at least for a few hours. Traveling to France, for example. Watching GTA 6 open up to Europe for part of the story and inviting travel would be a great idea from Rockstar, especially at a time when travel has become a luxury due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fans are clearly attached to the cities visited in previous Grand Theft Auto installments. The reason why the place where GTA 6 will take place is making so much noise. However, the community will undoubtedly be happy to be able to discover a new place in GTA 6. Like Assassin’s Creed, the series will benefit from the exploration of new lands.

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Not only will the changes be visible, but depending on the context and era, changes to gameplay can also be brought in, at least temporarily during the adventure. Presence From a female character as the main protagonist, What GTA 6 seems to be leaning towards, will indeed be an interesting novelty. I hope he is not the only one.

Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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