6-in-1 hard drive that changes face to laptop

The minimum size and weight of TurboHub, which in addition to 4 TB of ssd memory also has several inputs for adding peripherals and improving user experience with MacBook and PC

MacBooks and laptops are getting thinner, sleeker, and packed with useful, easy-to-apply features over time, with fewer peripheral inputs and forcing you to buy suitable adapters. One of those that seems to solve several problems is TurboHubAnd the SSD hard disk integrates 6 ports While maintaining a minimum size and weight. The 4 TB of storage (There are also 1 TB and 2 TB versions) is one of the advantages that it provides, in addition to a transfer speed higher than 1 GB, which according to content creators guarantees the flow of data in reading and writing about 7 times faster than traditional models.

To quickly add hardware and travel, TurboHub includes an entry HDMI To connect a 4K monitor, a USB port 3 it’s a USB-C port, And a slot Sd cards, The Door Ethernet H Lightning bolt 3. With over € 500,000 raised while the crowdfunding campaign continues, the hard drive can be reserved World Health Organization at the expense of 280 euros (99 euros for the 1 TB model), with home delivery to start next March.

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Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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