VR elements can be integrated into reality

From Claus Ludwig
Facebook announced the passing of its API to developers. For example, you can use the Oculus Quest 2 VR headset to create a mixed reality device and integrate virtual elements into the real world.

Microsoft has been running the Windows Mixed Reality Platform along with partner companies like Acer and HP since 2017, where VR headsets can also embed the real world into their displays via cameras. Now Facebook is following up with the new API. Oculus developers should be able to use this interface for free from version 31 of the upcoming SDK. So it should look der Quest 2 in a mixed reality headset Become.

Virtual conferences with real people

For example, several participants in a video conference can meet virtually at a virtual table. Unlike the previous solution, the user sees not only the digital avatars of the conference participants, but also the people who are currently in the same room with the person wearing the glasses. In addition, developers can display the camera signal on any object and, for example, apply a black and white filter to the camera image. Currently, only Unity developers can use the passthrough API. Oculus does not wish to roll out the interface to other development environments until a later date.

However, apps cannot access the Oculus Quest 2 sensors on their own. The VR headset can only process and display the image signal. This is how Facebook wants to ensure privacy. Quest 2 is recently available in Germany for around €490 after Oculus products were discontinued in Germany in mid-September 2020. By the way, the fact remains that you can only use an Oculus headset with a Facebook account.

Also worth reading: Oculus Quest 2: Available again from Amazon

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New API set for Oculus Quest 2:

  • Facebook has introduced a new transit API for Unity developers, which will be available to Oculus developers starting with the upcoming SDK 31.
  • For example, you should be able to fade into a real camera image in a virtual environment.
  • However, apps cannot access the Oculus Quest 2 sensors on their own. The VR headset can only process and display the image signal.
  • Later on, Facebook also wants to support other development environments – outside of Unity.

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