Perpignan: Metal Hairlant creator on the bill at the International Festival of Records and Comics

Legendary Metal Hurlant inventor Jean-Pierre Dunet will headline the 33rd edition of the FID from September 25-26 in Perpignan.

80 vinyl exhibitors and about ten comic book exhibitors will attend in Perpignan. They come from all over the world, mainly from Europe, France, Belgium and Spain. It will be possible to buy, sell as well as trade during this recording and comics fair. In addition to this space, various events are planned around the event:

  • Comic book signing sessions: About twenty authors and designers will attend on the occasion, at the Dominican Church at 6 rue François Rabelais. In particular, there will be Jean-Pierre Dennett, the guest of honor in this edition. A publisher that oscillates between fantasy and science fiction, best known for founding the illustrated science fiction magazine Metal Herlant, as well as the publishing house Les Humaoïdes Associés. But this is not its only ceiling. He was also a screenwriter, producer, and TV host in the ’80s…For fans of science fiction and Horlant Metal, there’s good news on the horizon: the big magazine is back in fall 2021! Metal Herlant disappeared in 2006, and will tackle topics like ecology, transhumanism, virtual reality… very current topics for a literary category that generally likes to anticipate the future. Undoubtedly, the arrival of Jean-Pierre Dionnet to the festival will be one of the major events of this edition.

The cover of Métal Hurlant that will appear on September 29, 2021 after a 15-year disappearance. Drawing by Ugo Benveno

  • Previews: On September 23 and 24, two concerts will be held, five artists will sign their latest works, and an interview with Jean-Pierre Donnet will be broadcast live on Facebook on Thursday, September 23.
  • BD shows: Different comic book graphics will be shown in five different places in Perpignan. These exhibitions will be visible until the end of October at the Médiator, Chapelle du Tiers-Ordre, Médiathèque, Chapelle de la Funerària and Espace FID & BD at 15 rue de l’Argenterie. Except for Charles Berberian’s “Rock’n’roll” and “DJ Battle in series” by Riff Reb, which will run until December 19.
  • Concerts : In the medium, music will permeate the festival. On September 24, there will be a concert for “LA DIVISION TECHNIQUE” and a “DJ Battle” event with seven artists. On September 25, two official concerts by “LORD DIABOLIK” and “TH DA FREAK” will be held.

Organizers expect for this edition between 3,500 and 4,500 visitors. A health permit will be requested.

The full program is available for consultation Here.

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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