The Guide To Redesigning Your Product Packaging

So, you were running the brand and managed to curate the product packaging that speaks volumes about the product and brand, but we are sure it was years ago. That’s because the packaging designs have surfaced on the internet, and it is high time that you rethink the product packaging. Well, let us make it easier for you – if you were to check out your current product packaging and branding, what would come to your mind?

In the majority of cases, the business owners are simply stuck in the regular business operations, and the marketing strategies take the backstage but little do they realize that marketing strategies have a certain shelf life and need to be spruced up to keep up with the trends. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t updated the packaging in years, your logo has become out of date, or the sales are dripping down; they are all the signs of needing a product packaging redesign (an overhaul, shall we call it?).

Just as your home’s foundation, creating the brand is your business foundation, and it needs to be extremely cohesive and solid, making it a crucial point of interest. However, without it, the businesses will struggle to bag the sales. If you have some time, let’s rewind a bit – you need to think about the time when you first designed the packaging; did you think about the futuristic approach, or did you think it would need redesigning in the future? We are sure you just shook your head!

Honestly, everyone keeps focusing on creating a strong brand packaging design, only enough to ensure instant launch. Sure, that’s important, but you need to be aware that the brand will require a redesign because it’s equally crucial. The majority of businesses fail to realize that optimizing and redesigning the packaging after some time will ensure that your brand keeps expanding and growing – you must be wondering, “why?”

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It’s basically because change is inevitable, and changes come to your customers, their needs, labeling requirements, tech, design, and much more; we are sure you can picture it. It’s essential to understand that marketing and branding strategies have a specific shelf life. Truth be told, it is challenging to understand the solid timeline, but there are a few factors that show you that it’s time for the product redesigning, such as your competitors redesigning the packaging and lowering sales.

Now that you are certain that it’s time to add a refreshing factor to your brand, packaging redesigning will be the ultimate choice. With this article, we are sharing the elements you need to consider while working on the product redesigning, such as;

Be Open To Change

Many business owners don’t understand that change is essential for their business growth, and the right way is to start with the brand or packaging redesign. There are specific moments that you’ve to consider while changing the packaging, such as the following;

Sales Aren’t Everything

While you have launched the business for making sales, you don’t need to make it obvious to the customers – we promise, we aren’t stopping you from making profits and sales but it’s time to cultivate a different approach. This is because the brands that help their customers build reputation and relationships will do much better as compared to the brands that keep working on increasing the sales and come out too sales-y.

For this reason, you need to focus on your consumer base while creating the redesigned custom boxes and packaging. It’s essential for you to develop connections rather than only selling the products or services to the same consumers. Having said that, you need to ensure two-way communication with the customers because listening to them is essential, and your customers will actually appreciate it. In simpler words, when you start engaging with the customers, the trust level will be enhanced!

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Keep It Simple

While it’s tempting to opt for the flashy and complicated packaging design, it might hit you hard that your customers are actually looking for simplistic and minimal design as it’s easier to understand. This is because if the brand is too complicated and the information delivery or communication is complicated, all the sales will be directed to the competition. For this reason, it’s important to keep the packaging and branding message precise and easier to decipher.

To illustrate, the complications are out of fashion while simple ideas are in fashion. For this reason, you must understand that your customers prefer seeing whenever they are exposed to the packaging and simply add those points to the packaging (you can run a survey to get this information). Similarly, you need to remove the guesswork from the packaging so your customers feel at ease and make sure they have easier access to the desired information.

Opt For Bold Points

It’s quite evident that customers will simply put down the product or packaging when they are unable to understand the primary idea behind the product or its function. Sure, you want to add the brand story on the box’s back. You think that it explains enough about the brand. Still, the modern customer don’t want to have the time and schedule to consume extensive information. It’s needless to say that you’ve only a few minutes to capture your customer’s attention and explain the product and its functionality.

For this purpose, you must add bold points to the packaging, such as catchy content and bold colors. It will ensure that product packaging is easier to read and understand. To illustrate, if you are selling the skincare product, the package’s front should communicate the benefits of using the skincare product. Again, keep these points accurate and direct (don’t create a story on the packaging or product).

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Sustainable Materials

Since you created the packaging design years ago, we are sure that you made a non-sustainable material, but it’s high time you opt for the sustainable material, especially when you are redesigning the packaging. Since your modern customers will require greener products, opt for eco-friendly and sustainable materials and make it obvious by adding the logo on the packaging!

Veronica Tucker

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