Barry, Madonella’s Neighborhood Concierge Idea: Crowdfunding Begins

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The crowdfunding campaign has begun to support the creation of a live concierge office in Madonella. The initiative is signed by MEST, the community cooperative in Madonella County in Bari, which started the MadonnelLAB community project with its first activity: creating, in fact, a neighborhood social concierge.

“A neighborhood concierge is a service provided by the community, on the basis of mutual trust, to make everyday life more humane – Explained by MEST – A network model based on a solidarity economy, in which the social realities that make it up collaborate with one another to reorganize economic, cultural and value flows. It has a mission: to make people’s lives easier by helping them find what they need. Physical and social needs, even simple ones. From receiving postal parcels to shopping at home, from delivering medicines to paying bills or printing documents. “

“A kind of information point – affiliated with the project creators -, which is a center for collecting, linking and sorting information about the neighborhood and presenting it to initiatives and services, including all small activities that could be undertaken by volunteers as well, such as walking the dog, small housework or watering plants, in An informal time bank. It is also a meeting point for neighborhood citizens looking for independent qualified workers: plumbers, carpenters, painters, babysitters, architects, surveyors, electricians, etc. In addition, various concierge workshops will be held. ”

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The aim of the crowdfunding campaign, launched on the Produzioni dal Basso platform, is to raise funds for the restructuring of the exact location for the creation of the neighborhood concierge: at No. 6 on Michelangelo Signorile Road, where the MEST community cooperative was born and operating. Those who participate in crowdfunding, which supports the project, will receive what are called “bonuses”. That is, MadonnelLAB brand identity items such as mugs, bags, staples, T-shirts, and water bottles depending on the payment made. Several artists, musicians and actors, who have introduced themselves to participate in the crowdfunding campaign. Among them are Mirko Signorel, Dario Skepsi, Flavio Albanese, Loridana de Giglio and William Volpicella.

Samantha Arnold

<p class="sign">"Web fanatic. Travel scholar. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Unapologetic internet guru. Beer nerd."</p>

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