Illustration of a computer, October 17, 2016 BelgaImage
The Joint Community Committee (KOCOM) announced on Friday that several computers, one of which contained data from vaccinated people, were stolen overnight from Monday to Tuesday during a burglary at the Pacheco vaccination center in Brussels.
‘Limited’ risks
«To prevent any potential leakage of citizens’ personal data, Cocom, in cooperation with the police, IT teams and the data protection team, have taken swift steps“, identified the Covid-19 communications service of this bilingual political establishment in a press release.”As a public administration, Cocom strictly ensures that the protection of privacy is respected. That is why everything has been done to prevent anyone from unauthorized use of data that can be accessed through stolen computers.‘, she showed.
Cocom’s Covid director, Inge Nevin, told Belga that one of the stolen computers contained data from residents of Brussels who had been vaccinated against Covid, making sure that the risk of the data leaking abroad was “LimitPolice opened an investigation in an effort to find the thieves, whose motives remained unknown on Friday evening. Anyone with questions about this theft or the status of their data can send them to the email address: [email protected].