Cyberpunk 2077: An Unreal Project

It should have been Game of the Year, and when early critics were able to play Cyberpunk 2077 for the first time on a high-end PC equipped with the best hardware, that was exactly what it was pointed out. Then it came Failure at launch.

It became apparent why there were no review codes for consoles beforehand, because Cyberpunk 2077 is often unplayable on PlayStation 4 in particular. Sony even launched the game shortly after that Get rid of PlayStation Store.


Cyberpunk 2077: A Fake Demo for E3 2018

How did that happen? A very detailed article on Bloomberg goes into detail as they spoke to over 20 (former) developers. In short: the developers’ expectations were very high – it was an unrealistic project.

After the success of Witcher 3, CD Project Red was very sure it would work that way. Additionally, the game was first announced nearly 8 years ago, but development of the current version did not begin until 2016.

The game was initially developed as a third-person shooting game and there were many elements ready. Then there was a cut and it started again. The demos in the following years (including E3 2018) were said to be mainly fake demos.

Then there was the epidemic and the teams could no longer work well together. Plus, there was a lot of extra work and not always the best pay. And now we see the result: an endless match.

Cyberpunk 2077 header

There are a lot of people who have tried Cyberpunk 2077 the intended way and have a lot of fun with it. Then there are a lot of people who encounter an incomplete release and then there are those who play a reasonably acceptable version on a next-gen console, but it often doesn’t look like the last generation games (textures).

Cyberpunk 2077: I’ll Wait

In short: Cyberpunk 2077 shouldn’t have appeared in December 2020, but in December 2021. You can see that too. In the modernization roadmap. In principle, CD Red has been busy developing the game for a year now.

I thought about what to do for a long time, because it is acceptable on Xbox Series X. The graphics only disappoint me here and there, because I have played PS4 games that look a lot better on textures. I will probably be waiting for the next generation release and playing the game in the winter when it’s “done”.

Video: Mein Gaming-Setup

Mein gaming setup: PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch

Xbox Playstation controller head

For the new generation of consoles, I’ve made an in-office gaming setup at the end of 2020. Here I want to explain why I’m using the products. When the epidemic really started in early 2020 and we had to act in the summer (partly because of this) because …January 16, 2021 Read now →


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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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