Expert explains: “5G emission is less than 4G”

Radiation in mobile communications is said to be a health hazard. One study even demonstrated a link to an increased risk of cancer. But environmental epidemiologist Martin Rosley of the University of Basel satisfies and points out strict limit values.

Written by Stephen Gotthardt

Martin Rosley, Professor of Environmental Epidemiology at the University of Basel – Private

Mr. Rosley, last year news broke of a link between 5G expansion and the coronavirus. What is your opinion?

This is a conspiracy theory that has no scientific basis. It has been said that the virus spreads where the spread of 5G is faster. However, it was not taken into account that most contacts between people occur in these often densely populated areas. Today we know that the epidemic has reached all parts of the world, regardless of the expansion of the mobile phone network.

In a study, US scientists exposed 3,000 mice and rats to cell phone radiation for nine hours a day for two years. In male animals, they found an increase in the formation of cancer cells. Is cell phone radiation dangerous?

The radiation intensity in the experiment was well above the legal limit values. In addition, the results cannot be individually transferred to humans, as the animals’ body temperature increased much more than is possible with humans. One of the results of the study was also that male rats exposed to radiation lived longer than non-irradiated rats.

With 5G, more data is transmitted in less time. Does this also generate more radiation?

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If you are sending the same amount of data, 5G radiates less than 4G. And the higher frequencies 5G uses penetrate the body less deeply. Thus, the body warming caused by the antennas is much less than the limit values ​​and in fact is almost zero. In addition, the fifth generation uses beamforming. This means that the antennas more accurately radiate to where most of the data is currently being transmitted. Legal standards for mobile communications are also stricter than air or noise pollution.

Is radiation exposure in the countryside less than in the city?

Usually the opposite is true. The main source of radiation is your mobile phone. And there are often fewer antennas in the country, so the cell phone has to emit more radiation. If you have a very good connection, a smartphone can radiate up to 100,000 times less than a weak or disturbed cellular network.

He says more and more people have hypersensitivity. Is it scientifically proven?

There is no evidence for that. However, it cannot be excluded that there is a very small minority with electron sensitivity. However, the numbers are too small to prove in studies. However, most sufferers will have what is known as the nocebo effect. You see an antenna and you no longer feel comfortable. Psychological factors can play a big role.

Are there other factors to digitization that you think are critical from a health point of view?

It is a shame that radiation has always been a scapegoat for digitalisation. There are other serious risks, such as increased myopia in children who stare at screens for hours every day. Or addiction and loss on social media.

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