How to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds

Ironically, science fiction can sometimes predict what will happen in the real world. Decades ago, for example, futurists and illusionists predicted a world in which humans would divide their time between the digital and physical worlds.

We live this “future” today. Most of you divide your life between the physical world and the digital world.

When drivers determine the fastest ways to deliver meals, for example, they rely on a global network of geospatial data sources. When dispatchers decide which driver to take on the next task, routing and ETA information is generated dynamically by analyzing this same data.

This is just one example of the convergence of the physical and digital worlds. Countless other companies rely on site intelligence every day. From ride-sharing platforms to on-demand delivery companies to global shipping companies at the heart of our supply chains, people rely on geospatial data to navigate the real world.

“Consolidation happens for all types of businesses and in a variety of use cases,” says Shali Juncker, director of business strategy and business operations at Google Maps Platform.

She adds that the bridge between the physical and digital worlds requires a lot of work. “The world is changing at a faster pace than we have seen in the past.”

To find out more about the gap between our physical and digital world – and how it is closing faster than ever – we spoke with Ms. Juncker in January.

Create a digital map of the physical world

First, what are geospatial data and geospatial intelligence?

“Geospatial data is the primary data set for the real world,” Juncker says. “This includes things like street names, terrain, and building plans, as well as contextual working information about the site. We are constantly building and improving the digital representation of the real world.”

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Geospatial intelligence is the information derived from this geospatial data. This information is only useful in discerning the impact on real life and presenting the right information at the right time, a difficult task that “we can solve thanks to our computing expertise,” he explains.

Consider planning a real-time route through heavy downtown traffic, using traffic data to identify delivery areas, or showing restaurants and shops to nearby homebuyers. In all three cases, the underlying geospatial data should be as detailed and up-to-date as possible.

The world, of course, does not stand still. Street names and addresses may not change often, but many other geospatial data sets are constantly changing. For example, streets are temporarily closed for maintenance, or accidents cause traffic jams.

“Tactically keeping pace with this rapid pace of data change to continue helping our customers with geospatial information requires that we organize ourselves so that we can update information at a faster rate than ever before,” Shali Juncker says.

Covid-19 certainly hasn’t made things any easier. When much of the world has shut down and consumers find themselves in need of new services, such as contactless food delivery, the disintegration between the digital and the physical has accelerated even further.

“Consumers want physical goods in real time,” Juncker says. “They want to be able to find and have a pair of shoes online within 24 hours. We have seen on-demand delivery companies emerge to fill that gap.”

Meet new consumer expectations

For a new breed of on-demand delivery startups — and for established logistics companies, for that matter — access to accurate geospatial data and geospatial intelligence is critical to success.

But “success” is not just about delivering goods on time. Today’s customers expect a more engaging experience that includes them throughout the process. Clear and transparent shipping updates, for example, allow customers to define their expectations. In categories like local food delivery, real-time delivery tracking can be vital to keeping food fresh.

Your online shopping experience no longer ends at checkout.

Retailers and merchants realize that consumers are no longer just buying products. The director explains that they buy a really complete experience. “If they can engineer these on-demand logistics to deliver the experience consumers expect, they can ultimately offer something more than just the product.”

To meet these new expectations, developers can find the tools they need in the Google Maps Platform.

She explains that “the Google Maps Platform is an essential layer to make these experiences possible.” “You have to be able to route drivers and packages in real time. You have to be able to manage a fleet. And then, at the end of the day, you have to be able to expose your progress to the consumer and close the loop.”

According to her, this helps boost the brand’s credibility with customers who really need it.

Fair access guarantee

As the digital and physical worlds continue to converge, another chasm between the digital haves and the have-nots is likely to widen. How can equitable access to these new worlds and digital tools be ensured?

“This is a major focus area for Google,” Shali Juncker says. “One of the company’s core principles and values ​​is building for all. This is an integral part of every step of our development process.”

Ms. Juncker herself plays an important role in this regard. She has spent most of her career focusing on democratizing services so that businesses and individuals can operate more efficiently. In the Google Maps Platform, it is responsible for ensuring that geospatial data and intelligence are accessible to developers around the world.

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She adds that it’s not just developers with a degree in computer science or any other formal training. Efforts are underway to develop useful new tools with little or no code for those with little or no technical experience.

“We recognize that the world is increasingly populated by builders, not just traditional developers,” she says.

This is why Google Maps platform recently launched a file a tool Code called Quick Builder, which allows anyone, regardless of experience, to create great geospatial solutions with templates for common uses like store locator, address selection, and neighborhood discovery.

The foundation upon which we build experiences

We may not always be able to predict what’s on the horizon, but change is always here.

For Shali Juncker, this is the goal of the Google Maps platform: to help innovators create the future in an ever-changing world.

“The innovation that developers have created with the Google Maps Platform eliminates the distinction between online and offline experiences,” she explains. “And we are seeing emerging technologies, such as augmented reality and virtual reality, that combine the best of both the physical and digital worlds. We are pleased to be able to provide the basic model and capabilities upon which a whole new world of experiences can be built.”

Article translated from Forbes US – Brandvoice: Google Maps Platform

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Frank Mccarthy

<p class="sign">"Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru."</p>

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