Microphones, booby-trapped phones, and monitored computers…more and more people are being monitored in France by the secret services.

French intelligence services are increasingly using “intrusive” techniques on citizens. This is a trend that is expected to accelerate and that must be countered by increased control, according to estimates by an independent commission.

Microphones, computer spying, booby-trapped phones: spies, especially internal and external services (DGSS and DGSE), are increasing the number of forms of infiltration, According to the annual report Posted on Thursday by National Committee for Oversight of Intelligence Technologies (CNCTR).

Monitoring 24 thousand people in France in 2023

The document indicates that 24,000 people were monitored in France in 2023, that is, 29% more than in 2022 and 9% more than in 2019, before the Covid epidemic. For the first time, “prevention of deviance and organized crime becomes the main reason for surveillance.” The fight against terrorism witnessed a slight increase (7.5%).

But beyond the numbers, it is “more important.” […] The report notes the ever-increasing use of more invasive techniques. He adds: “Putting microphones in special places, collecting all the person's computer data, trapping phones and computers: thus we are trying to compensate for the now reduced contribution of phone tapping.”

Artificial intelligence in the service of intelligence

Unlike telephone tapping, which is carried out centrally under the authority of the Prime Minister, “these particularly intrusive techniques are carried out directly by the services that request them. Their product is stored and used in the systems of these same services,” wrote Serge Lasvigne, president of CNCTR.

Everything you want to know about intelligence news

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The report also points to the development of artificial intelligence, which is significantly impacting the intelligence and military fields. Therefore, artificial intelligence is at the same time “a tool that intelligence cannot do without.” The CNCTR report points out the challenge for a regulatory body that is already questioning whether the surveillance of a person will be determined by criteria whose content or weight no human being will know with certainty…”

Frank Mccarthy

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