NASA wants to experience a helicopter flight on Mars again

NASA canceled the first helicopter flight to the surface of Mars, which was scheduled for Sunday, in a short time it was said that there were problems during the test of the rotors.

“The team is really excited and looking forward to the first trip,” says Tim Canham, project lead. “We’ve spent the last year planning, practicing, and understanding what we need for the first trip.” “From the moment the rotor blades rotate to our landing, it takes about forty seconds. During this period, we feel safe on the first flight, given the energy reserves the device has. And we definitely want the first flight.”

On its first test flight, Creativity, which weighs about 1.8 kg, is expected to rise to a height of about three meters and then land again on the surface of Mars. It will be the first flight of a plane to another planet. Now the helicopter could theoretically try to take off for another month.

The helicopter has to handle extreme conditions. On Mars it is cold to minus 90 degrees Celsius at night, the Earth’s gravity is less, and the atmosphere is much thinner.

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Stan Shaw

<p class="sign">"Professional food nerd. Internet scholar. Typical bacon buff. Passionate creator."</p>

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