New Book Lists Ways to Get Out of the “Toxic Relationship” with Gadgets

New Delhi: Everyone seems to be in a “toxic relationship” with their devices as the line between work and home is blurring than ever. A new book now offers strategies to help people reclaim their time, privacy, and interest in the digital world, where a constant onslaught of information can harm mental health.

The Art of Bitfulness: Staying Cool in the Digital World‘ du co-fondateur d’Infosys, Nandan Nilekani, et de l’auteur-codeur Tanuj Bhojwani, s’attache à « garder son calme » à l’ère d’Internet et à créer des limites saines contre le déluge de contenu ‘Suggest.

The book was published by Penguin India on May 19 on Softcover, ThePrint’s online non-fiction book launch site.

Both authors are veterans of the digital world. While Nilekani is a Padma Bhushan laureate and former president of UIDAI who was twice listed in TIME’s 100 Most Influential Magazine, Bhojwani is an IIT graduate, whose scientific background has helped him write stories about technology.

According to the authors, the goal is not to “spend less time on your devices; better spend your time on your devices.” The book also explains how people got to this point of overconsumption with their devices in the first place and why technology restricts, rather than frees us.

“The line between work and home is more blurry than ever. We all know it’s not good for us. However, we can’t help but go back to another scroll…This book tells how we got here in the first place. Why our technology rather restricts us Who liberates us? The Art of Bitfulness offers a new way to build technology for everyone, rather than a winner-takes-all system,” said the authors.

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Sharponte Bagchi from HT Mint He claims that unlike other books written about this “toxic relationship”, this book is different because it was written by two people who “much love technology and are fascinated by its ability to do good – and yet, realize the ways in which technology can overwhelm us”.

She added, “In this book… (the authors) dive into how this relationship developed and how it could be salvaged.”

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